Action Guide 2017

Shephard fairey

Shephard fairey

On January 20, 2017, we plunged into a troubling new era. Months of shock and dread preceded it, but so did the igniting of a bold, engaged generation.  People ask me, "What can I DO?" My response: So much, my loves. So. damn. much.

We must participate to protect the vulnerable more than ever. Lives are at stake. With that in mind, I bring you this list of concrete ways to ACT, LEARN, LOVE and GIVE going forward. (Note: Darker text is hyperlinked to corresponding resources.) Please SHARE this widely. Sending love and strength to you all.

Ways to get civically engaged

- Know your rights when demonstrating and protesting
- Former congressional staffers provide insider tips in Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Daily Action: Resisting Extremism in America, One Phone Call at a Time
- Four concrete acts of resistance delivered to your inbox
- The new administration sets its 4-yr agenda in the first 100 days. Join the 100 days of resistance.
- Talking to Kids about Protesting: 5 Things I want my Kids to Know
- What to do after the Women's March. Take it further with local, in-person community organizing: PLUG IN NOW
- Illinois and Wisconsin folks: Volunteer to directly help local immigrants affected by detention and deportation
- Join the immigrant & 400+ faith communities doing what Congress & the administration refuse to do: protecting and standing with immigrants facing deportation
- Social anxiety is not an excuse for inaction
- Develop concrete steps for social justice by reading Rescuing Jesus and participating in One Book, One Church, a book club that helps faith communities take direct action
Poetry resists hopelessness, alienation, and cynicism

Articles and seminars that center perspectives of the marginalized


- A New Years Resolution: We Cannot Bow Down I The Red Letter Christians
- Open Yale course: African American History: From Emancipation to the Present | Yale University
- Why our feminism must be intersectional | Everyday Feminism
- White Supremacy Culture and Dismantling Racism: Workbook for Social Change I Change Work
How to talk to other white people about race (and why it’s necessary) | Seattle Globalist
- It's Time to get over Your Feelings and Start taking action for Black Lives I The Cut
- Healing from Toxic Whiteness Online Training Program I Everyday Feminism
Houses of Worship Poised to Serve as Trump-Era Immigrant Sanctuaries | New York Times
Unboxing the Mistreatment of Native Americans I Seriously.TV
- Changing Evangelical Culture I WBEZ
- White Fragility: Why it is so Hard to Talk to White People about Racism I The Good Men Project
- Hungry for more? Get an entertaining crash course on all the things by watching these video series: MTV Decoded with
Franchesca Ramsey
 and Seriously.TV with Dylan Marron.

Show solidarity for marginalized groups left especially vulnerable

- Break bread, be heard, and build bridges
- A simple, brilliant rule on how to love those most impacted by grief, even when we ourselves are grieving
- "Radical hope is a best option," says Junot Díaz
- Chicago folks, get paired with a local Syrian refugee family and help them adjust to life in a new land
- Also for Chi-towners, volunteer to help immigrants when they've been released from detention
- 15 Things your city can do right now to End Police Brutality I Mic
- Hear Something, Say Something I Code Switch
- Fight back I Boston Review

Help fund these important causes

"It's Unprecedented in our History": Trump's election Inspired Millions in Nonprofit Donations I Washington Post
Third Wave Fund - advances gender justice led by and for young women of color, intersex, queer, and trans folks
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - fights for civil rights and empowers Asian Americans to create a more just America for all
Trans Latin@ Coalition - advocates for the issues and needs of Trans Latin@ community in the U.S. 
- Southern Poverty Law Center - dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society
- American Civil Liberties Union - works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the Constitution’s promise of liberty for everyone in our country
- Planned Parenthood - women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives
The Trevor Project - crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth
- Council on American-Islamic Relations - advocates for justice and mutual understanding

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